Dhyana - meditation
Updated: Jun 22, 2023
The yoga philosophy of Patanjali is broken down into eight limbs. Here we focus on the seventh pillar - Dhyana.
In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, Dhyana is the seventh limb of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, following the practice of Dharana (concentration). Dhyana is often translated as "meditation" and refers to the state of uninterrupted, focused, and contemplative awareness. Since Dhyana cannot occur without dharana, it is imperative to fix the mind on an object of concentration.
Patanjali describes Dhyana as the uninterrupted flow of attention and awareness towards the object of meditation. It is a state of sustained concentration where the mind becomes fully absorbed and immersed in the chosen object of focus. In this state, there is a natural and effortless continuity of awareness, with minimal effort required to maintain the focus.
“A busy mind is always telling you where to go, a quiet mind can be told where to go - TKV Desikachar”
Dhyana goes beyond the initial stages of concentration (Dharana) and deepens the meditative experience. In Dhyana, the practitioner becomes completely absorbed in the object of meditation, transcending the dualistic perception of subject and object. The boundaries between the meditator and the meditation object begin to dissolve, leading to a sense of unity and oneness.
Dhyana is a practice of sustained mindfulness and inner observation. It involves maintaining unwavering attention and non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, without getting caught up in thoughts, emotions, or external distractions. It is a state of being fully present and attuned to the unfolding of the present moment.
Ultimately, Dhyana paves the way for the eighth limb of Yoga, which is Samadhi, the state of profound absorption and realisation of ultimate truth or spiritual union.